From Single Window concept to European logistics digitalization partner
Our story began in 2015, when a group of IT and logistics enthusiasts came to the public with the idea of creating a digital “Single Window” supply chain management model that would allow the once-only entry of cargo data across all modes of transport, state borders and in an agreed form between companies and state authorities. This was confirmed by all Estonian logistics organizations, several ministries and state institutions.
In 2017, it received a high recognition from the European Commission, and in 2019, this initiative won a place in Estonia’s first national accelerator, Accelerate Estonia, as a result of which the Digital Logistics Center of Excellence was established.

An award-winning full-stack
digital platform
Our Single Window concept differed from similar concepts from the customs and maritime initiatives because the basic data for any shipment is the same, regardless of the country, mode of transport or nature of the cargo. Therefore, it is necessary to look for ways to harmonize transport documents and waybills and make this process data-based and event-driven. Since historical experience plays a large role in logistics and the development of this field is slow, we felt that it is necessary to focus on rules, legislation and international agreements related to data standards and formats in international trade.
If we replace the current paper-based freight transport with a digital one, we will only get many different e-services instead, but in the big picture, nothing will change because the different systems cannot exchange data with each other.
That’s why we focus on creating a single access point, which allows to connect the digital systems of both companies and countries and create a digital infrastructure operating on a unified basis, which follows data standards, an agreed process and always ensures a once-only entry of data, regardless of how many parties are involved in the transportation of the cargo or have authorized access to certain data.
We bring together two target groups with very different interests, whose harmony contributes to the development of an efficient and environmentally friendly delivery process.
Digitization of the supply chain requires simultaneous process changes by many parties, development of software, data standards and legislation. That is why we work closely with our customers, governments, the European Commission and software developers. We develop solutions and create interfaces that help create value for supply chain parties regardless of their role and affiliation. We also work with many software development companies to ensure data exchange between ERP systems, transport planning or national surveillance. We apply various technologies, including Ai, ML and blockchain, where we think it makes sense and which gives the desired result.
Our mission is to create a global, real-time, event-driven digital freight network - for efficient and sustainable supply chain management
Digital Logistics Center of Excellence

Heiti Mering
- +372 5231174
- Heiti Mering

Urlika Hurt
R&D, board member
- +372 5214251
- Ulrika Hurt

Tõnis Hintsov
Supply chain management, managing partner
- +372 5100582
- Tõnis Hintsov

Helena Urbla
Project assistant

Lauri Lusti
Road transport, managing partner
- +372 5034734
- Lauri Lusti

Tom Annikve
Legislation, partner
- +372 5057689
- Tom Annikve